Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Holiday tasks

Holiday Tasks
The two week holiday break has come so quickly this term! 

For those children wishing to do some revision work and brush up on their skills over the break, new Study Ladder tasks have been set. They can also continue with Typing Club.
We also encourage everyone to read as much as possible and complete their Lexile quizzes.

Of course, the most important thing is to have a good rest and enjoy plenty of relaxing family time.
                                     Image result for school holiday clip art          

Monday, 12 June 2017

Class news

Year Level Challenge

Term 2 Year Level Challenge will be held on Tuesday, Week 9.

All the children have been given a copy of their study notes and should be revising them as part of their nightly homework. Some clever people have laminated their notes and are keeping them in their homework folder.

This term, we will be looking for improved scores from Term 1 Year Level Challenge.

Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety Report by Georgia

It is vital that every child knows how to be safe online. This is why I want to tell you about Cyber safety.

Technology has increased immensely over the years and it isn't all good. People are getting scammed and bullied online. 
Now, one way to lower the risk of scamming and bullying is to go on age appropriate sites. For example, we are not allowed onto Facebook until we are sixteen. Many of us go onto it every day when we are not supposed to. 

Another tip is to make your passwords difficult for others to guess. So don't have 'password' or 'qwerty'. If you want 'password', put some numbers for letters, like a 5 for the s, or a 0 for the o. These tips will lower the risk of being scammed.

 Never trust anyone online that you have not met in person. You never know, you could be talking to a 36 year old pretending to be an 11 year old child.

The final tip is, NEVER give your parent's credit card details to anyone online!

In conclusion, always be safe online! Image result for online safety for kids

Life Education Van

Life Education Van Incursion

Room 8 students participated in a fun an interactive session in the Life Education Van this week. The session focused on improving decision making skills by looking at choices, consequences, responsibility and influences.

For more information visit: www.lifeeducation.org.au

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


Super Scientist Finalists
We wish these amazing scientists good luck when presenting this week.
Our Year 4 finalists, Hayden and Georgia.
Our Year 5 finalists, George and Haziq.