Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Room 8 and 27 Assembly

In Week 6 the two classes combined to perform an assembly based on the significance of convicts in Australia's history. Mr Sherlock and I were very impressed with everyone's commitment and enthusiastic performances. We would also like to thank all of the parents and guardians for helping with costuming and props for the performance. I think everyone in attendance agreed that you all looked the part! 

As Room 8 was one of the host classes we also had to display some of our WOW writing. To suit our theme of 'Convict Australia', the students were given the task to write a letter as if they were a newly-transported convict arriving in this harsh, foreign land. The letters were very well written with lots of emotive descriptions of what life would have been like back in those times. All students should be very proud of themselves. 

Merit Awards

Congratulations to Sienna, Bryce, Ethan and Eve for being awarded the Merit Awards for Room 8 at the assembly. You have all made a great start to the year.

Values Award

Congratulations to Luke for receiving the Values Award of Respect. Luke never fails to display the values of patience and kindness. He can always be relied upon to take the time to help anyone in the class and will do this without being asked. Luke treats all of his peers and teachers with respect and fairness. 

Science Award 

Congratulations to Osman for receiving the Science Award for Room 8. Osman has an outstanding depth of scientific knowledge. He is always eager to contribute to class discussions and thinks deeply and logically during investigations.

Speaking and Listening Presentations: Talk to Teach

In Week 6 the students were given the opportunity to be assessed on their Speaking and Listening skills. Their task was to choose a topic or skill that they could teach the rest of the class, concentrating on voice projection, speed and eye contact. Miss Dowling and I were very impressed with the wide range of skills and hobbies that you all have. We learnt about sewing, arts and crafts, making telecommunication systems, build your own aquariums and magic card tricks. The presentations were all very entertaining and well prepared. 

Harmony Day

Week 8 saw Wattle Grove Primary School honouring Harmony Day. This was a chance to celebrate the many diverse cultures that make up our school community. It was wonderful to be able to parade with our Pre Primary / Year One buddies from Room 7. Thank you to all of the parents and guardians who helped organise costumes and clothing for the day.

Personality Day

In Week 10 the whole school participated in ‘Personality Day.’ The day was organised to fund raise for the Epilepsy Foundation and the Year 6 end of year gift. It was fantastic to see how each student dressed to reflect their personality. Some of the personalities the students decided to come dressed as were bright, happy, funny and cheerful. This was no surprise to their teachers who comment on these characteristics each day!