This is our new class blog, so check in regularly to see what is happening in the fantastic Room 8!
There will be school, class and student news, homework, photos and lots more. 😃
Home Studies
Both Year 4 and Year 5 students in Room 8 are expected to complete their homework from Monday through to Thursday nights. We do appreciate that this needs to fit in with your family life.
Homework should include:
- 20/30 minutes of reading (preferably from a Lexile library book). Record the name of book and pages read in diary.
- a Mathematics activity from the set tasks on Studyladder.
- Look Say Cover Write Check of weekly spelling words
We would also appreciate a parent/caregiver sighting their homework and signing their diary.
Homework Links
Homework Links
Optional homework to increase skills. Click on Year 4 or 5 and choose a subject.
Optional homework to increase skills. Click on Year 4 or 5 and choose a subject.